Tuesday, October 16, 2012

only a few dilapidated street

 Zongyue flying behind him followed by a down, a few will not martial arts that medical experts were back up, hurry the speed suddenly accelerated several times, surprised that agent guy from ear to ear.
Dharamsala was even smaller than a small village in eastern China, about the same size is also just a small town in western China, only a few dilapidated street, if it is the Tibetan exile movement to stay here the Indians in addition to the rich over the occasional vacation or hunting play, not many people will be interested to stay in this place, the Government of India does not allow Tibetans to buy land in India, Tibetans can only lease the house of the local Indians to live, raise fat apart of the natives of India often by those who clamor to drive them away, here is the stronghold of the anti-China forces, but because China has gradually powerful diplomatic pressure from the Chinese government, India had to admit that Tibet is China prohibited * molecules in the anti-China activities, as well as politicians had proposed the expulsion of the * government in exile to go out, so as to avoid adverse to the Sino-Indian diplomatic relations, we can say that the days of a pedestrian in India every day sad.
Dharamsala is located 1200 meters above sea level Himalayas, is divided into two parts, the Indian indigenous people generally live in the next Dharamsala, above Dharamsala even not as a township, is simply a small village in the middle of the hill, the altitude over 1700 meters, where there lived * Living B

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